another day, another detox/cleanse

Hey there! So if you read my previous post, I summarized how I just came off of a 5-day detox the other week. It was super awesome + needed (I explain more HERE on why I felt the need to detox in the first place!), but it also didn’t feel like all my health problems were solved, SO….

We are getting back at it again because… another day, another detox!! 😉

Although my Sakara detox was awesome, I’m still dealing with some heavier things that, yes, the detox helped with, but it didn’t help enough (for what my healing body is needing).

So because of that, I am diving into Medical Medium’s Simplified 3:6:9 cleanse from this Cleanse to Heal book. Like my last cleanse/detox, I will be documenting it all again.

There are slight differences in these two cleanses:


  • 5 days long (day 4 is all liquid day)

  • Eliminates: all animal products, alcohol, caffeine, gluten, all sugars (including fruit), all grains, nuts, soy, nightshades (white potatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, chili peppers), pesticides, harmful chemicals, GMOs

  • Meals + everything else you need comes to your door all set for you which means you eat/drink what you get and nothing else

  • Includes medical grade supplements specific to the detox

  • You have support from a wellness coach

This is a great way to lean into detoxing seeing as it’s all done for you, you have the support + supplements + food, and it’s only 5 days (because you truly can do anything for this amount of time!). It’s not too intense, but it will help you heal & you’ll feel damn good doing it. Learn more about Sakara here + how to get 20% off your first order.

Whereas on the other hand, Medical Medium’s:

  • 9 days long. Broken down into 3 day intervals (hence why it’s called 3:6:9) and gets a little more involved with each interval

  • Eliminates: Radical fats, grains (except millet & oats), all animal products, fermented foods, alcohol, caffeine and more (he calls them the ‘trouble maker foods’)

  • Keeps in all vegetables AND fruits (unlike Sakara’s)

  • Gives you the guidelines, but you have to prep & do everything yourself

  • Day 9 is the all liquids day

  • You get to eat as much as you want—as long as it’s within the guidelines of the cleanse (all the recipes are provided for you)

Even though I’m doing the simplified version of the 3:6:9 cleanse (there are 2 other options, both more intense), it definitely feels more intimidating than Sakara’s. And I also can’t say much about the 3:6:9 cleanse because I haven’t completed, let alone started it yet! But as long as you have Cleanse to Heal book as your guide throughout the 9 days, it’s thorough and has all the information you’ll need to make it through.

So there you have it!

I’m excited to dive into another detox/cleanse, because my body is needing this extra love as it fights to figure out these issues that I believe are almost done (and I promise to dive deeper into that and my take on it).

I will see you back here soon on the other side!

char xo

Char McGhie🌿

Char is a natural mama, plant-based holistic nutritionist & certified Fast Like A Girl fasting coach who uses holistic, sustainable and non-toxic practices + routines to run her life ship. She shares that all on here in hopes of helping others on this journey as well! XO


cleanse #2 done! my experience doing medical medium simplified 3:6:9 cleanse


eat the rainbow