how will you show up in your own health today?!

HEALTH IS AN INSIDE JOB, which is what you’ll learn in this article & how to be in ownership of it!

I was thinking about this the other day as I started to feel a little rundown. Where I got my “rundown-ness” from doesn’t matter and frankly, never crosses my mind. What does matter is how I show up in my health moving forward. Please tune into the things that are compromising your health that are IN your control (did you get enough sleep the past few nights?! (no!), are you stressed?!, etc), but always be in your own lane when it comes to your health status & what you do about it.

So I thought I’d share a few easy + practical things you can do in your own health & then you can tell me… which will you start with?!


🧘🏼‍♀️sitting in silence/ meditating

When’s the last time you honored your body this little bit of quiet from the rest of the world & just focused on your inner world? It’s a powerful one because it helps keep you present (especially if you’re focused on the breath) + should give you more peace so that when you (inevitably) encounter that future stressor, you’re less reactive.

😴8+ hours of sleep

This is one that we NEED to prioritize more. So much centers around how many hours of sleep you’re getting a night—from your immune + gut function, your hunger cues, reaction times & even our emotions + behaviors. In ALL the health literature I’ve read (and I literally mean everything), each & every single one of them that’s talking about well-being mentions the importance of sleep in it. Now I’m just one extra source!😉

😮‍💨full deep belly breaths

We go through so much of our life shallow breathing; not reaching the depths of our lungs that we’re intended to. So take this moment to focus on filling your full lung capacity up with air; sip it in and push it down to every last crevice of your lung then take a big exhale (ideally out through your nose, but do what’s comfortable for you). Focusing on this will not only help you breathe deeply, but now you’re also in the present moment. Make sure to take a few minutes out of your day to do this practice—whether it’s first thing in the morning, the last thing you do before going to sleep or maybe when you’re taking that quiet moment to yourself.

👊🏼thymus tapping

Another easy one to do to not only stimulate the production of T cells (aka your fighter cells when new pathogens/viruses/bacteria enter the body), but it’s also where your life energy comes from (literally… it comes from a Greek word meaning just that). Tapping the center of your chest for as little as 30 seconds a day puts you back into vibration AND keeps your immune system pumped! Just take for your first 3 fingers & gently tap right in the center of your chest, where the breastbone is. You don’t need to tap to feel pain; just apply light pressure and tap for as little as 30 seconds!

🥗nourishing the body (which supports gut health)

When we’re truly nourishing our bodies with REAL diverse (plant) foods, our bodies are thriving because we’re not only taking in essential vitamins and minerals but keeping our gut microbes happy & flourishing too! Our microbes only feast on one thing & that thing is FIBER (which is only found in plant sources), and by keeping them strong (through food), we also support our immune system. So the next food you reach for, make sure it’s from a plant & potentially one you haven’t had in at least 3 weeks or better yet… never before to help that gut glow! And if you need any help with the nutrition side of things, please head here for us to work together on your glowing health… right down to the gut!

👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩hug someone/have a deep connection with them

This very much matters for our health. (Were you surprised to see it here?) Without human connection, what’s the point? We literally thrive when we’re in community with one another + we actually need people and their ecosystems to help strengthen ours. Hugging people (approx 8 hugs/day) actually strengthens the immune system so go and give a hug because I bet there are several people in your life that truly deserve it!

🏃🏼‍♀️move your body

This is one that anyone can do because it doesn’t even need to be with intense movement….just move! Walking (60ish mins) actually keeps your heart rate in the fat burning zone! (Surprised? I know I was!) So even if you’re out taking your dog for a walk, or pause midday to do some inversion + dog downs… it counts! Do what you can, where you can, when you can & make it a daily goal. And even more so from a mental aspect, moving your body moves the stagnant energy and just makes you feel GOOD. So go do it!

🦶🏻🌎get your feet on the earth aka grounding

There are so many positive benefits to this simple yet essential task. Absorbs those negative ions from the earth that our bodies need. Bonus if you’re getting sun on your skin as well as connecting to the earth and/or catching a sunrise or sunset to get that full colour spectrum and keeping your circadian rhythm is on point (aka releasing the right hormones to either alert the body that its day time or alert it that it’s time to settle down for the evening). Make sure to put your actual bare feet on the earth for this practice. No shoes, no problems!

And there you have it! We have the POWER over what we do with our health. Tiny daily decisions that put you on a path to glow or dim your light. The choice is yours. I hope this post helped show you how easy those decisions can be!

XO Char

Char McGhie🌿

Char is a natural mama, plant-based holistic nutritionist & certified Fast Like A Girl fasting coach who uses holistic, sustainable and non-toxic practices + routines to run her life ship. She shares that all on here in hopes of helping others on this journey as well! XO


a day in the glow life


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