4 things i’m doing LESS of in 2024

I’m bringing back the blog. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written some posts (and ps- you can sign up for my newsletter here if you’d like to stay up-to-date on this kind of stuff!), so it felt overdue. Plus, I’ve really been feeling the pull to get off social media a bit more & connect. Writing here definitely feels different than being on Insta, so I’m going with it!

And if your personality is anything like mine, stepping back actually creates more abundance + clarity + space (words that I’m welcoming in!), and it just felt right for the time being with social media.

And because of that, I thought it seemed fitting to post this & show you a few things I’m letting go of this year! Maybe you'll join me and/or it will spark some of your own!

Four Things I'm Doing LESS of in 2024:

1. Keeping stuff. This need to purge definitely happened right after Christmas (coincidence? I think not! ha!). It felt SO freeing to start getting rid of stuff that was no longer serving us. I still have WAY more I want to clear out (supplement cupboard, I'm looking at you!), but I think manageable bite-sized chunks of cleaning/clearing helps feel way better on a mental level, than trying to do it all at once. This area is definitely one I need for my soul because I totally feel it: cluttered space = cluttered mind.

2. Drinking alcohol. I feel like this has been circling in the social media & podcast space for a while now. But from watching others do this is NOT my main reason. My main reason is actually the research behind it. Before the new year was officially here, I feel like a lot of the podcast episodes I was listening to all pointed to this... women over the age of 35 (aka me😭) should be drinking NO alcohol.

There's probably a reason this kept landing in my ears. I was already feeling like it wasn't serving me the best & this information was confirming it. I wasn't drinking a ton to begin with, just to be clear (lol), but also knew I could do less. I'm not planning on being super rigid with it... if I feel like a drink, I'll have one. Instead, I'm going to be very intentional with when I choose to.

3. Spending. This ALL started as a fun little challenge in October 2023; I started writing down ALL of our expenses. It was VERY eye opening (and please don't ask me about Target & Amazon expenses that month...😳). After a few months of tracking in real time, we decided to set a zero-based budget for 2024. We made the decision to minimize as much outside spending as we could (with a little wiggle room because we still want to have fun ;). Through having this awareness, it has dramatically reduced where we were spending a lot. We still are refining & figuring out how to keep reducing/moving around numbers to make it all work, but we're in a much better place than we were September of last year. It's definitely a fun challenge if you want to try it out (I can even send you what my spreadsheet looks like)!

4. Consuming & comparing (on social media). I know I mentioned this above, but it definitely is a BIG one. I was feeling really crappy when I went on Instagram. Mainly because I was using it to take in other people's lives/stuff/progress while feeling like I was not taking any action in my own life. This is a tricky line to walk because, as we know, IG can be completely curated & glamorized, which I obviously realize, but it's also hard when you're in the trap. This is why I took a 3+ week break from the platform to explore what I really wanted & it was the best (random) decision ever!

So there you have it! I feel really good about these & want to hear from you! Did anything hit home for you? Anything you want to try to do less of this year? Let's hear it!

Next post, I'll be back with the opposite - 4 things I'm doing more of in 2024! I'll see you then!

Glow on!

char xo

Char McGhie🌿

Char is a natural mama, plant-based holistic nutritionist & certified Fast Like A Girl fasting coach who uses holistic, sustainable and non-toxic practices + routines to run her life ship. She shares that all on here in hopes of helping others on this journey as well! XO


4 things i’m doing MORE of in 2024


holistic healing: traumatic eye accident protocol