holistic healing: traumatic eye accident protocol

I wanted to put together today’s post as many of you requested it on Instagram. This topic is one I truthfully never thought I would have had to venture into, but when life serves you lemons, you put your research hat on, put your head down, and dive deep.

Also, before we get into this post, I just want to start by saying that, if you know me by now, you’ll know that my way of dealing with anything is always holistic first. I’m not opposed to other types of care, but when not in an emergency situation or once past that, I will always look for natural means to return the body to whole health.

And lastly, this is an experimental protocol that is based on my current readings I’ve come to. We may tweak down the road + I’ll also state other things we’re looking into but haven’t done so yet, so please keep that in mind.

The accident

I won’t go into too much detail to honor all those that were involved in what was a very traumatic accident… but long story short, my husband experienced a blow to the face under his left eye resulting in traumatic mydriasis (description: caused by tears in the iris sphincter muscle, resulting from blunt trauma) with some retina damage as well. It was definitely bad, but it could have been way worse.

After the initial accident, he eventually sought medical attention with the ophthalmologist at a hospital downtown Toronto (where the diagnosis was given) & besides a steroid eye drop, it was pretty much up to the eye to reduce in inflammation & damage (aka let the body respond & heal how it naturally wants to).

He was told that his vision may never return to the way it was before & his pupil is extremely dilated and that may also never go back to normal. But good news is that he CAN still see out of the eye & it has definitely shown improvement since the accident. So let’s now get into the things we’ve been doing to support the healing process.

holistic care for a traumatic eye incident


Right after the accident happened, the first thing I reached for was helichrysum touch. Thankfully I had brought it back to Canada with us, otherwise I would have paid $1 million for it. It’s the oil for healing, fusing & regenerating. Its nickname is liquid bandaid & for good reason—it helps with inflammation, swelling, bruising, and literally everything else healing based. Right when the accident happened, naturally, his eye swelled up pretty good, and I swear that helichrysum + ice on the area is what brought it down significantly that first night.

That oil along with frankincense touch were used a few times daily—swiped under the eye/across the cheekbone as part of the daily healing protocol. Now he rolls helichrysum under the eye/on the cheekbone every night before bed.

In those first few weeks, he was also taking a drop of frankincense & copaiba oils internally. They both support reducing inflammation & healthy cell regeneration.


Next up, fortunately, my grandma’s neighbour is a specialized optometrist, so she let us borrow a light therapy device that Tyler used directly on the eye 10mins 3x a day. Now that we’re home, he uses our sauna almost daily + I have proton light therapy on my PEMF mat, as well.


One thing I’m becoming more & more amazed with is sound—and more specifically sound for healing. You can take different hertz & accomplish desired results with them (think about pregnancy and an ultrasound—it’s literally sound penetrating & producing that image). I listen to Hz music every night as I fall to sleep & thankfully it dawned on me to look for Hz designed specifically for bodily healing.

If you’re an Apple user, here are the following songs we jump between (listen with headphones):

If you can’t tell, I’m all about the frequencies! In the first few weeks, I was having him listen to frequencies for 5-10 mins daily. Now he does it every other night, or so. When he initially started listening to them, he said that he could feel something happening in his eye. It’s pretty powerful stuff!

And now that we’re back in FL, one thing I couldn’t wait for him to get back and start doing was the PEMF mat. It’s the one thing I was kicking myself for not having brought back to Canada with us. He does the mat anywhere from 10 mins to an hour daily. Sometimes lying with his eye directly on the mat or just full body on the mat with it set at the highest frequency (64Hz) for healing, blood circulation & pain relief (but side note: he actually had zero pain from the accident).

In case you don’t know much about PEMF, it stands for ‘pulsed electromagnetic field’ and it helps regenerate damaged or injured cells, increases microcirculation, and support energetic factories within your cells to re-energize & give your body what it needs to heal on a cellular level. When your body has the right charge, then the body knows what to do to heal & repair itself.


This is the newer category that we’re testing out the most right now. A few things we knew we needed a couple weeks following the incident were: omegas, antioxidants, and carotenoids. As of right now, here’s what I have him taking (and will keep tweaking as I learn more + discover what is the most helpful for his healing journey):

  • high quality vegan omega with EPA/DHA: omegas to support blood circulation + help protect photoreceptor cells in the retina

  • astaxanthin: for ocular health (I already had it in the house, but will get one next that contains lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin because those are the carotenoids needed for macular health)

  • b-complex: for overall energy + proper cell metabolic functioning

  • micro-c: including this for overall health & to make sure his immune system remains boosted as the body experienced a lot of stress

  • chlorella tablets: contains most of the supplements above anyway + a big one is it contains lutein!

  • tissue salts: developed by Dr. Schuessler as a homeopathic sugar ‘pill’ that dissolves quickly in the mouth that way the minerals are more easily absorbed into bloodstream with minimal expenditure; there are 12 salts & our bodies thrive on these biochemical minerals; below are the ones I’m really focused on and why…

  • ferrum phos (D12): for the iris - better oxygen reaches the cell + lowers probability of inflammation

  • calcium phosphate (D6): for the iris muscles (how I look at this is to help encourage his pupil to eventually constrict)

  • magnesium phosphate (D6): for iris muscles regulating the pupil size

  • silica + calcium fluorite (D12): for elasticity of ciliary muscles

  • kali bicarbonicum (D12): enhances function of focusing muscles

  • zincum muriaticum (D12): for the retina

    Plus, I have one more supp coming that’s for advanced eye & vision support.


Tyler’s already had an intro call with the Tennant Institute which focuses on your body’s voltage. Dr. Jerry Tennant is actually an ophthalmologist & has helped heal some crazy things, so Tyler’s looking to get some insight into frequency settings to help with healing. We’re also very fortunate to have a close friend who has worked with Dr. Tennant and has his frequency devices, so once we have the proper frequencies, Tyler can get to work on it!


And that’s where we’re at. If I think of anything else, I’ll be sure to update this page! Thanks for all the love that everyone has sent us as we navigate this new terrain.


Char McGhie🌿

Char is a natural mama, plant-based holistic nutritionist & certified Fast Like A Girl fasting coach who uses holistic, sustainable and non-toxic practices + routines to run her life ship. She shares that all on here in hopes of helping others on this journey as well! XO


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