easy black bean and quinoa salad

THIS SALAD. Let's just say that I could eat it ALL the time. If you haven't gathered by now, I like: flavour, easy, delicious, and veggie-packed. If all of these points come together in one meal, we are laughing!

In honor of this, today's recipe stands true for it all. It's super easy to prepare (Sunday meal prep?) and great for lunches. So, let's dig in!

Black Bean & Quinoa cold salad


  • 2-3 cups cooked white quinoa (I do 1 cup rinsed quinoa in 1.5-2 cups of water to cook)

  • 1.5 cups cooked or 1-15oz can black beans (BPA-free can!)

  • 1/2 bunch green onions (or scallions), chopped

  • 1 red bell pepper, diced

  • 1 large handful cilantro, finely chopped

  • Optional other vegetables: diced cucumber, corn, celery, etc.


  • 1/3 extra-virgin olive oil

  • 1/8-1/4 cup red wine vinegar

  • 2-3 tsp cumin

  • 1/2-3/4 tsp oregano (or try a dip of a toothpick into oregano essential oil and swirl into dressing)

  • salt & pepper to taste


  1. In a large bowl, prepare the salad ingredients.

  2. Whisk together the dressing ingredients then add to salad.

My daughter gobbles this salad up too. And hey, if you can manage to save some for leftovers, you're one step ahead of me ;)

Char McGhie🌿

Char is a natural mama, plant-based holistic nutritionist & certified Fast Like A Girl fasting coach who uses holistic, sustainable and non-toxic practices + routines to run her life ship. She shares that all on here in hopes of helping others on this journey as well! XO


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