I’ve thrown off the website gods by most definitely pretending like I know how to build websites🤓 (because yup, you guessed it, I’ve done ALL the work on this myself—pretty cool or send help, please??)

So what’s happening here is probably from…

  • An error in the URL entered into your web browser (aka I’ve changed it for the 100th time).

  • The page you are looking for has been moved or deleted (again because what’s the fun in keeping something the same for an extended period of time🙃).

  • A unicorn is currently working on it🦄 (is that a shameless plug for myself?🤣)

So, here’s what I propose…

Why don’t you try using the search bar below to see if that helps!

If something is majorly wrong & you feel the need to let me know, I’d love to hear from you!

And if you’re a web designer… CALL ME! 😄

Search here: