women’s wellness tea recipe (great for pregnancy too)

make this nourishing + delicious tea to sip on to support overall wellness as a female! reap the rewards throughout your pregnancy, as well!

This tea is not only super nourishing for the female bod, but also equally as delicious! What started as a pure pregnancy tea has morphed into something that I now sip 3.5 years later (is my son really that old already?!) because although it’s very beneficial for the pregnant mama, it doesn’t stop there! I realized that it’s just beneficial, in general. So cheers to that!

This tea will require a little bit of shopping, but I promise it’s worth it & you’ll have the supplies you need for a while. So get that kettle on & get those dried herbs ready!

women’s wellness tea + great for pregnancy too!

To nourish the female body & also prep it with what it needs for when labour arrives!


(Try to choose ALL organic if you can. I ordered my products from Rose Mountain Herbs because I am obsessed with this company for all their herbs + more.)

NOTE: Every time I make this, I quadruple the recipe above and keep it in a mason jar for easy use!

How to prepare:

Put all dried herbs into a jar, then shake up jar before scooping out.

Steep 1 tbsp in 2 cups boiling water for 15-30 mins. Strain before sipping. Make daily!

NOTE: You can start drinking this whenever during your pregnancy. It’s not going to induce labour or anything of the sort. Read on to see why this will support you throughout your whole pregnancy + your wellness, in general.


  • Red raspberry leaf: provides vitamins A, B, C and E + calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium / pregnancy-specific: uterine tonic that is also believed to shorten labor time, reduce labor pain, AND support postpartum recovery!

  • Dried nettle leaves: provides vitamin A, C, D, and K + calcium and potassium nourishing to the adrenals & kidneys / pregnancy-specific: uterine tonic + adrenals & kidneys often stressed during pregnancy so super helpful for that.

  • Lemon balm: supports the nervous system (calming & relaxing) + provides iron, calcium and potassium

  • Rose hips: adds flavor + vitamin C

  • Oat straw: to nourish nervous system and provide vitamins A, C, E and B + calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium

Other optional add- ins:

  • Mint (to add flavour + help with digestion / pregnancy-specific: just be careful postpartum as it can decrease milk supply)

  • Chamomile (for relaxation and to enhance sleep)

  • Ginger

The flavours in this tea are amazing + you do not need any sweeteners added to it (thanks to the rose hips!). The first thing I do when I wake up is get my kettle on and get steeping this tea. It’s a ritual I now love doing, knowing I am nourishing my body!

Let me know if you give this brew a try & happy sipping—for all the women, pregnant or not!!

xo char

Char McGhie🌿

Char is a natural mama, plant-based holistic nutritionist & certified Fast Like A Girl fasting coach who uses holistic, sustainable and non-toxic practices + routines to run her life ship. She shares that all on here in hopes of helping others on this journey as well! XO


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